Tuesday, July 19, 2011

How Does The Google Sidewiki Work?

I need to first preface this by saying I have signed up for this app. and agreed to their TOS (Terms of Service) however I could honestly say that like most Terms of Service, I would roll the dice and imagine that these are rarely read in their entirety.

Now if you think about it if you deed decide to do a Sidewiki, lets say on a news or editorial  piece one would think your commentary should conform to certain standards. However imagine the following scenarions:

Suppose a large company is laying off a significant percentage of their workforce.

Well the common take on this is this would be simply some more negative consequences of the Global Economic Collapse. Therefore if your Sidewiki is going to be something of value or interest to the general population, one would think that it would be worthwhile to highlight some unique aspect or take on the matter in it might be well advised to avoid using a common cliche, and therefore dilute the value of your Sidewiki. 

That being said, I intend to return to the Terms of Service, which I have already agreed to and seek to understand how it might indeed limit (for better or for worse) the diverse range of commentary that this particular app is seeking to inspire.

Stephen C. Sanders- July 19, 2011
Guest Commentary by Stephen C. Sanders of Todays Clouds.com
So we are adrift in the sky. What do you see, what does it mean? Here now, gone tomorrow. Enjoy them while you can, TodaysClouds.com
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