Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Cisco announces job cuts – 9 percent of workforce to go

Cisco announces job cuts – 9 percent of workforce to go: "In a bid to save in the region of $1 billion a year, networking and communications giant Cisco has announced plans to cut 9 percent of its workforce. It will also sell a set-top box factory to Taiwan-based Foxconn."

Commentary on the above article from:

Cisco announces job cuts – 9 percent of workforce to go. Trevor Mogg July 19, 2011

Introduction Of SocialAdNet.net by its founder Stephen C. Sanders, Tuesday July 19, 2011

Social Advertising Net or in its domain name form: SocialAdNet.net is currently researching various trends regarding the use of social commentary as a means to enhance the usually desired outcome to drive web traffic in specific directions.

The information quoted above regarding "Cisco announces job cuts - 9 percent of workforce to go:"- Trevor Mogg, July 19, 2011. is certainly not particularly uncommon under todays  conditions of economic uncertainty. However as the old cliche goes, the devil is in the details.

Therefore the developer of the previously captioned website SocialAdNet.net is intending to research the article more completely in order to ascertain if the particulars regarding the cost cutting methods can be considered as any specific sort of information that can be interpreted as any specific sort of paradigm-shift. Or would this particular move may simply be a normal corporate strategy which has no specific relation to what many people particularly in the US are calling an economic meltdown.

This particular blog is simply seeking to establish some of the preliminary concepts which the WebDeveloper has in mind. Comments and suggestions as well a letters of interest from potential affiliates, authors, coders, advertisers and investors are encouraged to either comment here directly, or respond private to the e-mal adress included below.

Stephen C. Sanders

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