Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Buffer App tool to Tweet More Effectively

Buffer App tool to Tweet More Effectively: "By adding Buffer App to your browser of choice, you can use it to add a tweet from a post you like, on the fly. You can be reading a post and when you find one that you’d like to tweet, right click and select the Buffer option, it will create the tweet for you. You can edit it on the spot by adding a little intro, Tweet it out right then or send it to the Buffer for later. It will  get tweeted out when its turn comes around."

Commercials Questions, Answers, News, Images and Info | ChaCha

Commercials Questions, Answers, News, Images and Info | ChaCha: "Commercials are one of advertising's most important ways to get their message across. In the age of the internet, a TV commercial can go viral and millions can see it free, extending the reach of the paid commercial."

Why doesn't Geico use the cavemen anymore for their commercials? | ChaCha

Why doesn't Geico use the cavemen anymore for their commercials? | ChaCha: "The cavemen aren't used in Geico commercials anymore because it offends several cavemen who still exist in modern society."

How to Blog: Your blog is a mirror, a beehive, a teacher

How to Blog: Your blog is a mirror, a beehive, a teacher: "your blog is going to test every personal edge you’ve got.

It will remind you how afraid you are to let people in; how shattered you are by criticism; how orgasmic you get when someone you admire offers praise. Your blog will walk you straight up the plank of enlightenment and invite you to plunge in."

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Bing’s Facebook integration to expand

Bing’s Facebook integration to expand: "Bing has made no secret of its feelings about Facebook integration – it’s all for it. And now Microsoft’s search engine will extend the collaboration to include even more URLs. Bing introduced “Liked Results” earlier this year, which showed users links their Facebook friends approved of. Now Bing will enhance the application to include even more search queries."

Facebook to test ‘Groupon-inspired’ daily deals service

Facebook to test ‘Groupon-inspired’ daily deals service: "Facebook, with its instant access to more than 500 million users worldwide, is perfect positioned to enter the foray of daily deals, it seems to us that this market is quickly ballooning into a fragile bubble that’s all-too ready to burst.

That said, there still seems to be some elasticity to this secto"

Cisco announces job cuts – 9 percent of workforce to go

Cisco announces job cuts – 9 percent of workforce to go: "In a bid to save in the region of $1 billion a year, networking and communications giant Cisco has announced plans to cut 9 percent of its workforce. It will also sell a set-top box factory to Taiwan-based Foxconn."

Commentary on the above article from:

Cisco announces job cuts – 9 percent of workforce to go. Trevor Mogg July 19, 2011

Introduction Of by its founder Stephen C. Sanders, Tuesday July 19, 2011

Social Advertising Net or in its domain name form: is currently researching various trends regarding the use of social commentary as a means to enhance the usually desired outcome to drive web traffic in specific directions.

The information quoted above regarding "Cisco announces job cuts - 9 percent of workforce to go:"- Trevor Mogg, July 19, 2011. is certainly not particularly uncommon under todays  conditions of economic uncertainty. However as the old cliche goes, the devil is in the details.

Therefore the developer of the previously captioned website is intending to research the article more completely in order to ascertain if the particulars regarding the cost cutting methods can be considered as any specific sort of information that can be interpreted as any specific sort of paradigm-shift. Or would this particular move may simply be a normal corporate strategy which has no specific relation to what many people particularly in the US are calling an economic meltdown.

This particular blog is simply seeking to establish some of the preliminary concepts which the WebDeveloper has in mind. Comments and suggestions as well a letters of interest from potential affiliates, authors, coders, advertisers and investors are encouraged to either comment here directly, or respond private to the e-mal adress included below.

Stephen C. Sanders

Official Google Blog: Help and learn from others as you browse the web: Google Sidewiki

Official Google Blog: Help and learn from others as you browse the web: Google Sidewiki: "Whether you're researching advice on heart disease prevention or looking for museums to visit in New York City, many others have done the same and could have added their knowledge along the way.

What if everyone, from a local expert to a renowned doctor, had an easy way of sharing their insights with you about any page on the web?"

How Does The Google Sidewiki Work?

I need to first preface this by saying I have signed up for this app. and agreed to their TOS (Terms of Service) however I could honestly say that like most Terms of Service, I would roll the dice and imagine that these are rarely read in their entirety.

Now if you think about it if you deed decide to do a Sidewiki, lets say on a news or editorial  piece one would think your commentary should conform to certain standards. However imagine the following scenarions:

Suppose a large company is laying off a significant percentage of their workforce.

Well the common take on this is this would be simply some more negative consequences of the Global Economic Collapse. Therefore if your Sidewiki is going to be something of value or interest to the general population, one would think that it would be worthwhile to highlight some unique aspect or take on the matter in it might be well advised to avoid using a common cliche, and therefore dilute the value of your Sidewiki. 

That being said, I intend to return to the Terms of Service, which I have already agreed to and seek to understand how it might indeed limit (for better or for worse) the diverse range of commentary that this particular app is seeking to inspire.

Stephen C. Sanders- July 19, 2011
Guest Commentary by Stephen C. Sanders of Todays
So we are adrift in the sky. What do you see, what does it mean? Here now, gone tomorrow. Enjoy them while you can,
(Website is undergoing a reconstruction after some significant restructuring)

More news on will be broadcast over the publisher affiliated blogs and websites, later today.

Growth slows as China nears half a billion internet users

Growth slows as China nears half a billion internet users: "China added 27.7 million Internet users, putting their grand at 485 million users nationwide. A truly whopping number, yes, but only a minority of the country’s 1.3 billion person population. Also, despite the low penetration, user growth is slowing after large gains in previous years."

Sense/Net Inc.

Sense/Net Inc.: "Breadcrumb

Breadcrumb is an easy way to show where a user is when clicking through the site. It shows how he got there, what subpage he is at, and where is that given subpage in the content hierarchy. Essentially, it makes harder to get lost in the site.

Content Collection

Different content can be organized in content collections, which display content from various parts of the content hierarchy based on some criteria."

Monday, July 18, 2011

Dreamweaver CS5 Video Tutorials: Part 1 -

Dreamweaver CS5 Video Tutorials: Part 1 - "Why should you buy these videos?

Learn cutting-edge web design techniques with HTML and CSS.
Avoid hours and days of frustration - this course makes web design easy.
Part 1 of a two part series! (part 2)"

Dreamweaver video tutorial for beginners -

Dreamweaver video tutorial for beginners - "One of the cool things about Dreamweaver is that it supports a wide range of web technologies, including CSS and HTML, Web Standards, PHP, ASP and ColdFusion. ...And that's just a small sample!

Dreamweaver's flexibility and maturity makes it an excellent web design program. Besides, if you want to do professional web design, Dreamweaver"

Web Designer Forum • View topic - Web Development Guide

Web Designer Forum • View topic - Web Development Guide: "define the web development as presentation of information in organized and lucrative manner. This process involves graphic design, animation, website coding, photography, search engine optimization. However among web professionals, web development usually refers to non-design aspects of building websites," [Archive] - PC World Forums [Archive] - PC World Forums: "f bandwidth, reliable servers with a backup strategy, redundant power
and A/C, lots of RAID-ed disk space, finely tuned security precautions, lots
of manpower to watch over everything, and on and on and on.

This is where Akamai comes in. They have the infrastructure already in place
to deliver these services. Companies can save money by having Akamai deliver
their content for them"


JAVASCRIPT VIDEO TUTORIALS FOR WEB DESIGNERS: "Javascript is designed to teach total beginners Javascript programming. By the end of the 5 hrs of video training (over 39 individual videos) you will feel comfortable reading and writing usable Javascript code for everyday web tasks like spawning windows, validating forms and creating simple page effects"


TechCrunch: "Google joins Internet biggies Twitter (T.Co) , Overstock ( and Amazon (A.Co, Z.Co and K.Co) today in taking over the G.Co domain name, buying the TLD in order to build the official URL shortcut for Google products like GMail, Documents and Photos. While representatives from the .Co registry wouldn’t comment on the pricing of the deal,"

Keywords in SEO | Internet Marketing Forum

Keywords in SEO | Internet Marketing Forum: "Google Keyword Tool (Free), SpyFu, and Wordtracker. I usually do a mix of all three when researching however all three might give you different metrics so you have to take a close look at the results"